The AQPAMM Membership Committee was created in 2019. Its goal is to foster a dynamic and inclusive community by encouraging its members’ involvement in a variety of activities.
The mandate of the, Valorisation Implication Partage – Partenariat (VIP-P) committee is to help AQPAMM members support, strengthen and participate in the AQPAMM community.
- share their experiences
- support one another
- amplify their sense of belonging in the AQPAMM community
- recognize the challenges and contributions of friends and family of people living with mental health problems
The Committee
The Membership Committee is composed of three volunteer AQPAMM members in good standing, one of whom sits on the board of directors. One or more additional members with an interest in mental health issues may also join the committee to fulfil specific mandates that address particular topics. The Membership Committee is accountable to the board of directors, to which it submits regular reports.
The Membership Committee’s goal is to provide you with opportunities to share your experiences, support one another, boost your sense of belonging within our community and recognize the challenges and contributions of members with loved ones living with mental health problems.
– Membership Committee
The Membership Committee carries out various types of activities on behalf of AQPAMM, including:
- Consulting with members to identify their needs and interests
- Planning member engagement activities
- Organizing talks, workshops, potlucks and discussion panels
- Contributing to a database of testimonials from family and friends of people with mental health problems
- Participating in the drafting of the AQPAMM strategic plan
- Lobbying government stakeholders with the power to increase the well-being of friends and family members of people with mental health problems
For more information, or to get involved in the Membership Committee, please contact