What are these disorders? Actuellement, on reconnaît dans le Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux (DSM-5), cinq troubles psychotiques et du spectre de la schizophrénie: le trouble de la personnalité schizotypique, le trouble psychotique bref, le trouble schizophréniforme, la schizophrénie et le trouble schizo-affectif. …

What are these disorders? Eating disorders are characterized by persistent and pervasive disruptions in attitudes and behaviours related to body image, weight and food. Individuals living with these disorders feel their effects in every area of their lives, sometimes with irreversible health consequences. Eating disorders…

What are these disorders? Mood can be defined as a state of mind or general inner feeling. Unlike emotions, mood is stable and long-lasting, and can persist for several days. Emotions, on the other hand, are specific (for example, jealousy, nostalgia or enthusiasm), intense and…

What are these disorders? Everyone likes to engage in pleasant experiences and avoid unpleasant ones. Our bodies produce molecules that generate feelings of pleasure and well-being when we engage in activities that help ensure our survival, such as eating, having sex or falling in love.…

What are these disorders? A person’s personality is a unique combination of character traits, emotional reactions, attitudes and behaviours that remain relatively stable and that differentiate one individual from another. Our personality develops from birth through adolescence and early adulthood, when it solidifies and becomes…

What are these disorders? Anxiety disorders share several common characteristics, including fear, apprehension of negative consequences, or excessive and prolonged distress. Sufferers experience unpleasant physical symptoms including sweating, heart palpitations, trembling, diarrhea and difficulty breathing. People living with an anxiety disorder generally avoid situations, objects…